Saturday, September 15, 2018

An inseparable, unbreakable bond

While there is a new bond created around our first half of our quarter century, there are bonds that are created since birth- A bond of a mother and a daughter

No matter how best the new bond partner can be, he's still a quarter century new.

Forever giving love unconditionally without taking care of themselves will always be by our side.

The only person who will accept all our flaws and imperfections without judging us.

The only person who will trust us and be by our side even if we commit blunders a hundred times

There's always some super power that gets generated when we just lie on their shoulder or lap no matter how many grand children we have.

Yes, this bond is inseparable, unbreakable and the strongest bond gifted to a girl To the bond that can never be undone 🙏

The feeling of going away and living with our new love is a battle between two different kinds of love and two loving people if we were asked to choose.
But we are forced to choose our new love for the remaining part of our lives.

The first quarter of a century of our lives is the best and perhaps the only best time to cherish every single moment with our super wonder woman called Mother.

Hugs to all the loving moms with daughters who send their daughters away with a smile dying deep inside ❤️

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